


By Nora Zelevansky / June 1st, 2009


The Best Link Today:

So, it was Blackburn + Sweetzer's bday last week and so a bunch of us met for drinks at nearby Dominick's (pictured in her pretty photo above).  I've always been a fan of their courtyard (not to mention the old world spaghetti and meatballs recipe), but it was particularly festive to hang in their little lounge area and sip wine etc.

Of course I'm in the middle of gabbing in the pic of me (what else is knew?  It's like I never shut up!), but, regardless, I love to make the pages of B + S.  Especially when there are risotto balls involved.

Happy Monday!

xo – N.

P.S. I've decided to make weekly resolutions–why wait until December 31?  This week I resolve to make more cash.  By the end of this week, I plan to make a million dollars.  Maybe five million.  I'll make a collage about it and then it will come true.  That's like The Secret, right?  I'm just PUTTING IT OUT THERE.  Then I'll just go to the movies and maybe by the time it's finished, everything will have figured itself out, right?  RIGHT.