

By Nora Zelevansky / June 25th, 2009


The Best Link Today:

This may seem like small news compared with the whole “icons dropping like flies” phenomenon that seems to be happening today (sad and bizarre), but B + S reports some happy news in the midst of all this loss: Doughboys is reopening on 3rd Street!

Okay, that sounded lackluster and is clearly not be enough to cheer a nation mourning Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon and Michael Jackson at once (sheesh).  Still, let’s try to look on the bright side and focus on a future filled with Pan Bagnat sandwiches and, of course, Oprah’s favorite Red Velvet cakes.  Time to embrace life.

This new incarnation may be slightly different (or so it sounds), but hopefully bigger and better.  Just a little boost in these progressively intense times . . .

xo – N.