

By Nora Zelevansky / February 13th, 2009


(Tofu Man . . . Now That's Some Cute Stuff I Can Get Behind)

Well, lookie here.

I've created a new type of Pocket Lint blog post.  Sorry, but I need somewhere to, well, "Empty The Contents" of my befuddled mind occasionally.

Basically, I need somewhere to rant.  Occasionally.  I promise.

Today's subject: Brad Pitt.  I know we're all over the topic (and over blogs that rant about celebs–and I promise not to make this a regular thing), BUT I just have one friendly suggestion:

I think Brad should rename himself "TOFU" Pitt cause he so blandly adopts other peoples' flavors.  (Also, it sounds like a more Angie-friendly name: Zahara, Maddox, Tofu.)**

Wow–I'm cranky today.  Must be the rain.  No, I like the rain in LA.  We all do cause it's novel.

Anyway, Yahoo! has an article up right now about Brad's many faces in movies and I also read a story in US Weekly (yeah–whatever, judgy–you know you all peruse now and then) about his many faces with different women: quirky with Juliette Louis, preppy with Gwyneth Paltrow, crunchy with Jennifer Aniston and hipster sophisticate (with Hitler mustache) with Angelina Jolie.

All I'm saying is: El Dorko.  El Tofu Dorko.

That's all.

xo – N.

*Danka, Claudita, for coining the genius "tofu" descriptor for people, in general. 

P.S. Um.  Tofu strikes again. Seriously????


AND, well . . .


I love the InternetSSSSS.