By Nora Zelevansky / March 19th, 2009
(Whoa. Close Up. But I Promise There's a Point. And It's Not Just To Scare You.)
In preparation for my wedding (and in the spirit of research for a Town & Country article), I participated in several rigorous 6-week long "Bridal Boot Camps." Yup, I'm serious. Kate Somerville gave me glowy skin, Roman Salon conditioned my hair to shampoo ad shiny and Mike D.'s total body training at The Gym on Nemo made me svelte and toned (or at least way more so than before; I shed 4% body fat in less than two months).
So, one of the major K.S. perks (and the final stage in my ultra-grooming mission) was the application of eyelash extensions and, let me tell you, they spoiled me forever. Now, I wish I had eyelash extensions all the time. For over a month, I'd wake up each day looking ready to meet the world without so much as a drop of makeup. And I got compliments all the time. All the damn time, I tell you! Ever since, I've been singing the eyelash extension blues. Or at least my chain smoking, jazz loving, alter ego Peaches has been singing them. United States of Pocket Lint. Whatever. I've lost it.
Anyway, when I heard all this buzz about Revitalash (a conditioner that's applied daily like liquid eyeliner and supposedly thickens one's very own eyelashes), I just had to try. Apparently, Michael Brinkenhoff, M.D. (an opthalmologist of 25-years) created this product for his wife, when she was recovering from chemotherapy during breast cancer treatment.
I can't say my own motivation is quite so virtuous, but his impetus does at least suggest that the product is non-toxic, as recovering cancer patients need to be careful what they put into their system. Also, I tend to be a big fan of products that men create for their ailing loved ones: Fenix Cosmetics' sunscreen (created for the founder's wife, who is sensitive due to Lupus) is one of the best sunscreens I have ever used. It's not heavy, it doesn't clog pores and it works. But anyway . . . why do I keep sounding like an ad?
So, consider this my "BEFORE" post at the onset of a two month (or as long as I last, let's be honest) experiment in eyelash beautification. Below are some pretty unattractive pictures of my eyelashes in their current state. I'm not gonna lie. These pics are not hot. But it turns out it's hard to take good pictures of your eyelashes, right, Drewser? My hair looks pretty bad too. But I don't really have an excuse for that.
Anyway, I tried to take different angles, so we can compare and contrast later. From here on out, once a week I will be updating you all on the Revitalash Guinea Pig challenge. And we'll see for ourselves, if there's a change, no?
You're up for the challenge, right? Of course. You're a peach.
xo – N.