By Nora Zelevansky / April 6th, 2009
The Best Link Today:
At my parent's house, Passover dinner doesn't usually stray too far afield. Occasionally my mother gets some hair-brained idea to make Middle Eastern chicken or cornish hens in place of pot roast (GASP! I had to make it myself last year!). But, usually, thank goodness, she only mixes it up with slightly varied briskets (all delicious–even the Weight Watchers one from her dieting period!), kugels and white and red horseradishes. And, this is LA, so we are blessed with the occasional Mexican Jewish guest, who cooks us up some amazing unleavened dish from south of the border. Ole.
I thought I had it pretty good in the eats department. And, okay, I really do. But then today I read Tasting Table's write up about Chef Evan Kleiman's Italian Passover feast at Angeli Caffe and I started to crave her signature Passover veggie side, cianfatta. TT offers a recipe, so maybe (though ya'll know my cooking skills lack), I'll try to make it for this year's Mexican, Jewish, Italian feast.
Shalom, Bella!
xo – N.