

By Nora Zelevansky / September 9th, 2009

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I realize that it takes a special kind of weirdo to be obsessive about water . . .

But, well, I guess I'm a special kind of weirdo (as evidenced by this entire LINT-filled site, especially the baked Salt & Vinegar Kettle Chip freak out of February 09).

When we arrived in the town of Bethany Beach last week (which is comprised of like three streets of shops, most of which sell frozen custard, salt water taffy or X-L tees), I immediately remembered that last year I'd become somewhat consumed with this herbal water they sell at the coffee shop in town.  Lo and behold, they still carried the stuff: Ayala's Herbal Water.

What is herbal water, you might ask?  Well, I guess it's really like packaged spa water.  There's no sugar or carbs or chemicals or anything in the stuff, so you get to feel virtuous while you drink it.  Also, it tastes like happiness and relaxation in a bottle (at least to me).

I wasn't feeling quite up to snuff for part of my trip, so it felt like at least some sort of pleasurable treat that wouldn't make me feel sicker. I've only tasted the Ginger Lemon Peel and the Lavender Mint, but rumor has it (via my sister and mother-in-law) that the Lemongrass is good too.  I'm just always kind of afraid of lemon grass cause I think it's basically cilantro in disguise.  And not a very convincing disguise.

Anyway, turns out they sell this happy, refreshing stuff all over the country and even at my neighborhood health food destination Erewhon.  Bring. It. On. Herb.

xo – N.