By Nora Zelevansky / March 8th, 2011
Reunion specials are by definition booooring, so – with that in mind – here are the most interesting things I learned on this week's Bachelor: The Women Tell All. I watched it, so that you don't have to. You're welcome:
1. Chris Harrison's hair grew.
2. The girls all thought Michelle was awesome before the show aired?
3. Ashley H. looks like a totally different person as a brunette.
4. Michelle is not psyched to be cast as villain. She needs to see Brad's therapist.
5. I think she's been getting hate mail.
6. Chris Harrison does NOT like the women calling Michelle a "bad mom."
7. This Jackie girl has tons to say. Does anyone even remember her on the show?
8. Michelle straddled Brad with her daughter's needs in mind.
9. Ashley H. DOES in fact regret pushing Brad away, as we expected. Oops.
10. Ashley H. REALLY needs Brad's therapist.
11. Um. What was that weird low voice she just used? SPAZZZ.
12. Brad's "significant other" is out there watching and didn't want him to be too happy to see the other girls. I CAN'T WAIT TO FIND OUT WHO IT IS!! I think I want it to be Emily, but I'm feeling like it's Chantel O. Is he really falling more in love with her every day?
13. Brad's twin is definitely showing up on the final episode!
One more week, LINTERS!
xo – N.