This is me.
Yup. Now that I'm a year older, not only don't my thighs touch, but they're like a foot apart. I'm also really tall. And blond. Also, in this picture, I was having back pain, so that's why I'm standing all crooked and stuff.
Okay, fine. The jig is up. The pic is not of me, but I did wear the above Rebecca Minkoff dress to my birthday festivities on Saturday night at Bar Lubitsch. I absolutely love her bags (and even bought my mother a signature "Morning After" at a small sample sale years ago, where the designer was personally selling her stuff in a friend's living room), but–in the interest of full disclosure–I feel like her apparel can be a little overpriced.
Luckily, I found this baby on major sale at my neighborhood Loemann's, just a couple hours before the (oh so fun!) party, and it soon became one of my lovely birthday presents (thanks, Drewser!). I never used to do Loehmann's and other discount stores (at least not well) because I hate sorting through massive amounts of stock, but I find the middle and right side of their high-end backroom pretty manageable. Plus, it's like two feet from my house.
And anything two feet from my house is worth frequenting. Of course, in this neighborhood full of adorable boutiques and high-end food stores, that's a dangerous proposition.
xo – N.