Sometimes you feel like a robe. Sometimes you don't. Unless you're me. Then you feel like wearing a robe all the time and it has to be ripped from your slovenly clutches.
Still, all robes are not created equal. Ever since Andre made me throw out my trusty blue "plush" polyester favorite (years ago and yes, I'm still pining), I've been making my way through a bevy of hotel robes of the cozy terry cloth and cotton variety (usually with my initials embroidered across the upper left side).
They are pretty awesome, I admit. But every once in a while I get a hankering for something pretty and less PRACTICAL.
Recently, I've come across quite a few options in that arena: I could happily hang out all day in the above Plum Pretty Sugar Jardin Bleu robe or Dream Sacks' bamboo Geisha number (out of Ashland, Oregon).
And Andrew would NEVER make me throw those out. Right? That's loungerie alright.
xo – N.